The Enigma of Nodal Returns

Two World Leaders- Boris Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister & Donald Trump, U.S. President who is seeking re-election; are experiencing Nodal Returns in the year 2020. Nodal Returns are generally associated with major turning points in one's life. Every individual experiences half Nodal Return i.e. transiting North Node on the Natal South Node and vice-versa approximately every 9 years & a full Nodal Return after 18.6 years. This article aims to analyse the current events in the lives of these leaders on the basis of Natal, Progressed Chart & most importantly on the basis of Rahu Return Charts. Boris Johnson came into the limelight from June 2019 when he decided to contest elections among Conservative Party members to become U.K.’s PM. He was elected as PM a month later. Then suddenly the news of him being diagnosed with COVID & later his admittance to ICU became the breaking news. This was on 07/04/2020. That day Transit Saturn was exactly squar...