The Enigma of Nodal Returns
World Leaders- Boris Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister & Donald Trump, U.S. President who is seeking
re-election; are experiencing Nodal Returns in the year 2020.
Nodal Returns are generally associated with major turning points in one's life. Every individual experiences half Nodal Return i.e. transiting North Node on the Natal South Node and vice-versa approximately every 9 years & a full Nodal Return after 18.6 years.
This article aims to analyse the current events in the lives of these leaders on the basis of Natal, Progressed Chart & most importantly on the basis of Rahu Return Charts.
This article aims to analyse the current events in the lives of these leaders on the basis of Natal, Progressed Chart & most importantly on the basis of Rahu Return Charts.
Johnson came into the limelight from June 2019 when he decided to contest elections
among Conservative Party members to become U.K.’s PM. He was elected as PM a month
later. Then suddenly the news of him being diagnosed with COVID &
later his admittance to ICU became the breaking news. This was on 07/04/2020. That
day Transit Saturn was exactly square to Natal Moon and also he was to undergo
Rahu return on 21/04/2020.
His Natal Ascendant is Libra 11°5’. The Ascendant Lord Venus is Retrograde, combust and on same degrees as Sun. Further it is in applying conjunction to the North Node. The prominent fixed stars conjunctions that cannot be ignored are of Venus & Sun which are on the fixed Star Betelgeuse promising Preferment, Wealth.
Venus does promise sorrow connected with Family or Marriage whereas Sun
promises Honour, Preferment but acute disease as well.
natural 4th Lord Moon & here the 10th Lord is at
Scorpio 0°. It is debilitated & weak being
at 0°. This Moon forms a ‘Kite Aspect’ with Saturn (the natural 10th
Lord) and the Nodes in 1-5-9 Personal Houses. This highlights the Fate Aspect
as well as promises a big rise in life. Moon is a significator of the 4th
House- the chest region & Saturn a significator of disease impart their own
qualities as well.
Further this Moon
is making a quincunx aspect with Mars- the planet of inflammation. The 3rd
Lord Jupiter opposes Neptune- the natural 12th Lord & here the 6th
Lord in 2-8 axis highlighting the chronicity of disease. The 8th
Lord Venus is in 10th House along with Sun & in Nodal Axis. It
is the most elevated planet. Apart from the sudden rise, it also underlines the
Further Part of
Fortuna (4th House) is involved in a T-Square aspect with the 6th
Lord Neptune and 3rd Lord Jupiter. The 12th House of
hospitalization is the free leg point. Thus, there is a natal promise of rise in
life as well as a critical health issue (Sun, Moon, and Ascendant Lord Venus
all weak) particularly of chest region.
The Progressed Chart cast for the day when he was admitted to ICU reflects as much as 7 planets in watery signs (the natal chart is also disbalanced with Fire element empty). The Progressed Ascendant is Scorpio 24°. The Progressed Sun, Progressed Mercury & the Progressed Nodes (Anaretic Degree) are all on Critical degrees. The Progressed Ascendant opposes Progressed Jupiter. Progressed Venus which is the Natal Ascendant Lord is in the 8th House of the Progressed Chart with co-lord of Progressed Ascendant Mars in Cancer. Progressed Venus & Progressed Sun are in a semi-square aspect.
The 8th
Lord Mercury is very close to its exaltation point Uranus & Uranus is the most elevated planet.
Progressed Moon & Neptune are in apt conjunction in 12th House
and on a very violent fixed star South Scale warning of disease and bad omen
for health.
Progressed Saturn
is very close to Formalhaut (within 1°) highlighting ailments affecting the
lungs and this also warns of sudden death.
Around July 2019,
Progressed Moon (the Natal 10th Lord at Scorpio 6°) forms a grand
trine with Progressed Venus (Natal Ascendant Lord) & Natal Saturn (Natural
10th Lord) in personal 1-5-9 Houses. Also Progressed M.C. is exact trine
to Natal 5th Lord Uranus. Further Transit Sun activated Natal Rahu
& MC and transiting Saturn trined the natal Uranus & Progressed M.C. respectively.
This is the exact time when he was elected as PM of UK. Study of Progressed
& Natal Chart shows that Progressed M.C. is conjunct & Progressed Venus
is sextiled to Natal Uranus. Progressed Moon conjoins Natal Neptune and opposes Jupiter. Progressed Saturn trines Natal Rahu. Progressed Mercury trines Natal Jupiter. It is on critical degree &
is the 12th Lord. This might have caused rapid deterioration of
Boris Johnson
experienced Nodal Return on 21st April 2020. Since the validity of Nodal Return Charts is for 18.6 years, so one can experience its effects strongly for about a year
and half before & after the actual return.
Rahu Return Chart
has Ascendant as Scorpio 27°16’. The Natal Ascendant falls in 10th
House of Return Chart thus laying focus on high status, professional
undertakings & by polarity family/home matters.
The Return Sun is
on same degrees as the Nodes thus highlighting matters of health, vitality,
honour, authority. This Sun is conjunct Uranus- the 3rd Lord
signalling sudden complaints as regards to the Lung area. Return Ascendant Lord
Pluto is in 2nd House of personal values, self-esteem but being
opposite to the 8th House, it does carry significations of
life-threatening illness.
This Pluto- the
planet of regeneration is conjunct Jupiter (is Lord of 2nd & is
debilitated and on critical degrees) and Saturn (Part Lord of 2nd).
This return time coincides with his fiancée delivering a baby boy- thus
addition in the family. The Natal 6th Lord Neptune is angular &
on the Cusp of 4th House. This highlights change in base of
operations as regards to service, health matters. The 6th Lord Venus
in the 7th House puts his illness, service, in public domain. This
Venus is sesquare to Saturn (Lord of 3,4). Further Venus is disposed by Mercury which is Conjunct Moon in the fiery Aries in 4th
The first Natal
Planet to rise in the Return Chart is the South Node which is taken akin to
Saturn- major responsibility, illness. The Return 8th Lord Moon
& Mercury are degreecally conjunct in 4th House carrying
chronicity to chest region. Also Return 6th Lord Venus squares
Progressed Pluto. However Return 6th Lord Venus forms an Airy Grand
Trine with Natal Ascendant & Return Mars (5th Lord). This
activates 5-11 axis ensuring fast recovery as well.
Thus Natal,
Progressed & the Return Chart point to sudden rise in life as well as the
health issue.
Now let us
analyse the chart of U.S. President Donald Trump.
He is seeking re-election in Nov, 2020. Mr. Trump will be undergoing Rahu Return on 25-11-2020.
He is seeking re-election in Nov, 2020. Mr. Trump will be undergoing Rahu Return on 25-11-2020.
The fixed star
& Natal Chart connections that must be mentioned are:
- Ascendant on
Regulus imparting great honour & wealth but violence, acute diseases &
benefits that seldom last.
- Mars close to
Alphard à Trouble & Scandal through Love Affairs.
- Saturn on Pollux à
Brutal, Tyrannical Nature
- Venus on Procyon à
Benefits from influential friends
- Most elevated
planet Uranus on Rigel: Honour, Riches, Quick rise in life
- Rahu on Bellatrix
à Great Civil or Military Honours but liable to
accidents & ruin.
His, is a Lunar
Eclipse Birth which strengthens the 4-10 axis. The SE Quadrant is very
prominent thus laying focus on social identity. A mere look at the chart does
suggest a man who will certainly rise big in life, will be very rich,
influential and also known for his affairs. I have hence just mentioned a few
fixed stars which also point to the same.
The Progressed
Chart cast for November 2020 shows the Ascendant as Libra 27°46’. Progressed
Ascendant Lord Venus is in 12th along with Jupiter (greatest Benefic),
Mars and Neptune. The 12th House has a Stellium of planets
underlining solitude, illness or even retreat.
Progressed Sun is
very close to 11th Cusp & is on critical degree. It is the 10th
Lord of the Progressed Chart. This Sun is semi-square to the Progressed
Ascendant Lord Venus hinting at frustration for self as regards to power.
Saturn- the most
elevated planet is in enemy sign & signals obstruction, hindrance rather
than power. Further Saturn is conjunct the Natal 4th Lord Pluto- the
planet of metamorphosis. The Progressed Saturn is semi-square to Progressed
Moon afflicting the 5-11 axis of gains, support. While writing this article,
the progressed Moon is involved in a T-Square Aspect with Progressed Nodes
& by November-end the Progressed Moon forms this hard aspect with Natal Nodes.
This can impart a rash belligerent nature possibly throwing the emotional state
of mind off gear.
The current
George Floyd incidents & his reactions to this are a testimony to the
The Progressed
Jupiter squares Natal 6th Lord Saturn. Transiting Jupiter (Capricorn
22°-23°), Saturn (Capricorn 25°-26°) & Pluto (Capricorn 22°-23°) convert
this into a T-Square Aspect afflicting the 9th House of Luck.
Natal Mercury is
square to Progressed Neptune (8th Lord) imparting tremendous stress.
Further Progressed Nodes square the Natal Uranus. A couple of midpoints that
must be mentioned are:
Progressed Uranus
on midpoint of Natal Sun & Rahu. This imparts urge to attain success at all costs & sensitises the autonomic nervous system.
Progressed Saturn
on mid-point of Natal Mercury & Mars can trigger rashness,
nervousness, irritability. Further, Saturn can inhibit the power of decision.
There are a few
good aspects like Progressed Venus trining Natal Rahu & Progressed Mercury
sextiling Natal Jupiter granting him opportunities, new associates but the
stressful aspects outweigh these few good ones & certainly do not promise a
grand return as U.S. President.
The Rahu Return Chart on 25th November 2020 has Leo 18°8’ as Ascendant. Thus the 12th House of Natal Chart is rising.
The Rahu Return Chart on 25th November 2020 has Leo 18°8’ as Ascendant. Thus the 12th House of Natal Chart is rising.
Ascendant Lord
Sun in 4th House on Critical Degree signals end of things. This Sun is
disposed by Jupiter (debilitated, critical degree) which is with 4th
Lord Pluto (grave) & 6th Lord Saturn.
The Return 10th
Lord Venus is in applying opposition to Uranus- the most elevated planet in
4-10 axis in its sign of fall. This Retrograde Uranus which is very close to
the 10th Cusp may cause reversal of fortunes. Rahu- the planet of
return is isolated in 11th House. It is involved in a Yod Aspect
(crossroads in life) with its dispositor Mercury (11th Lord) &
Pluto (4th Lord). This Pluto is in 6th House very close to the Cusp warning of health concerns, weariness, and exhaustion.
Return Moon,
Mars, Neptune all within 1° of each other albeit in different signs underline
emotions, aggression, confusion. Also, the 9th & 12th Lords are conjoined in 9th House suggesting spending a Fortune on
Propaganda. He may seek solitude in foreign lands later in life or currently
manage behind the scene activities of foreign support for elections.
Return Moon, Mars
trine Progressed Mercury which is right on return Ascendant. Return Neptune
makes a Yod with this Progressed Mercury & Natal Jupiter. The Progressed Moon opposes Natal Neptune and last but not the least the return Moon
opposes the Natal 5th Lord Jupiter. All these aspects warn of mental
stress, agitation.
Further a
mutable, grand square is activated in 1-4-7-10 Houses because of Return Neptune,
Natal Moon-South Node, Progressed Moon & Natal Sun-Rahu.
Returns are
nothing but transits so allowing 2° orb for them. This points to tremendous
mental vacillation & intense disruptive energy.
Before summing
up, a quick glance at Solar Return Chart of Mr. Trump is a necessity. He
celebrated it on 13.06.2020. His Solar Return Ascendant is on Critical Degrees.
The 11th House of Natal Chart is rising. Moon, the return Lord is in
9th House and is involved in a Square Aspect with Sun on cusp of 12th
This Moon is
conjunct Neptune (9th Lord) & Mars (10th Lord) and it
also squares the natal nodes. In the return chart, as many as 3 Planets are
angular. Uranus in fall sign, Saturn in starting degrees of Aquarius &
Jupiter on critical degrees in its sign of debilitation. Pluto is just 2° away
from being termed as angular.
When the return
Chart is superimposed on the Natal Chart, Moon tenants the 8th House
of calamities. This surely does not talk of success. Thus, the Progressed
Chart, Return Chart both Solar & Current Transits till year end talk of
extreme difficult time for Trump.
It talks of
extremely tough competition, rash arrogant behaviour, fragile mental state
& points more towards loss in elections than success.
Great Archana, keep it up. Very elaborate analysis.
ReplyDeleteWhat a detailed article. Hats off to you and your small small calculations behind any conclusion.