COVID-19, The brainchild of China?

This blog aims to analyse the aspectual relationship between natal, progressed and transit planets of November 2019 to gauge the role of Republic of China in COVID-19 virus.

Quite a few believe that it was developed in a Chinese lab and was then released as a biological weapon. This blog aims to de-code this statement.
The chart for China is taken as the day it came into existence as a republic.

The natal chart of this country has Aquarius rising. The 6 th lord Moon is almost conjunct the Ascendant point albeit from 12 th H highlighting the influence of armed forces over the nation rather they having a tremendous grip over national affairs but very discreetly. The Ascendant lord Uranus is quincunx to Moon its dispositor hinting at an uneasy life for the common people of the country. This lord of the ascendant is in 5 th H in Cancer so nation promises to advance on the basis of technological innovations, extreme changes and further exhibits an irrational behaviour. The 8 th H has a stelluim with Sun (in debilitated sign)- the planet of authority, power, fame in it along with 8 th lord Mercury(on critical degrees), Neptune (2 nd lord) and South node( violent actions) thus making the nation seek extreme power, influence, financial standing. There is a continuous transformation/ re-invention as a nation driving it towards continuous change. The influence of 6th lord on 1,3,10 th houses has made it a very aggressive nation hinting towards dictatorship rather than a democratic country. ( Asc lord Uranus quincunx to 6 th lord Moon, sesquiquadrate to Venus- lord of 3,4 th H), further 10 th lord Pluto along with Mars tenant 7 th H making them seek international dominance either by hook or crook. Thus a very cursory analysis of the natal chart exhibits this nation’s agressive nature and its continuous struggle to seek upmanship, dominance in the international arena.

Let us fast forward the analysis to a random date of November 2019 when the virus came into limelight.

To ascertain the role of China as a nation in this a strong involvement of Asc, Asc lord, 10 th H, 10 th lord, Sun, Mars- ketu( for epidemic role) will be looked into.
  1. Progressed Venus( progressed Asc lord) is exactly over natal moon very close to Ascendant point however in 12 th H signifying secret activities. Moon signifies lungs and is 3rd lord of progressed chart and 6 th lord of disease of the natal chart.
  2. This Moon- Venus combine is degreecally quincunx to the progressed 10 th lord Uranus.
  3. Progressed Neptune exactly conjunct South node ( epidemic significator).
  4. Progressed Moon over Mars- 10 th co-lord, Moon is 6 th lord, karak of lungs and mars does signify epidemic like diseases.
  5. Progressed Saturn Sextile to Natal Venus and both Quincunx to North node- proper detailed planning for fast spread of virus.
  6. Pluto( natal 10 th lord) square to Venus. Pluto also signifies mass activities.
  7. Progressed Sun trine to 10 th lord Pluto in 7 th hints at not just the involvement of authorities/ Govt but also swift or smooth launch/ attack ( more than 1 deg orb so perhaps everything was ready for a year or so and waiting for apt time, 7 th -11 th H involvement is suggestive of actions undertaken for bolstering international standing, own economy. However natal Sun sesquiquadrate to progressed Asc does warn of things not proceeding perfectly as planned.
  8. Progressed Mercury sesquiquadrate to Moon, Mars hints of infections of chest region, natal Mercury in progressed Nodal axis (conjunct south node).
Involvement of Venus as per me signifies it was a properly rather sophistically laboratory designed mutant virus ( Venus is daitya guru too).

Uranus, Neptune add their flavour of quirkiness, ability to adapt to different climate or genetic combinations of races( natural 11 th lord) and secrecy, mafia types planning, execution, dissolving of boundaries in terms of fast spread.

Involvement of Moon suggests suffering of commoners.

Finally analysing transits as they would have a big role to fructify the promise.

Progressed Sun square transit Neptune, prog Uranus square to natal Moon and prog Venus, transit Jupiter square to prog Mars, transit Saturn square to natal nodes, transit Pluto trine to prog Saturn, over natal Jupiter, transitnodes square to natal Neptune ....

There are some other points like midpoints, fixed stars, lunations..
But even if they aren’t taken into consideration this analysis of random day of November 2019 hints of virus being designed, developed in China
by the authorities and released into the world for their quest of being the “Super power”.


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