Concise Analysis of Aries Ingress 2021
In any Ingress chart, Position of Sun is very important. Here it becomes
all the more important because it is the Ascendant lord too.
A fixed sign rising ensures that the Aries Ingress chart remains valid
for this entire year.
1. Sun in 8th H –untoward sudden incidents/ calamities/ natural disaster
and major transformations as a country.
2. Sun is disposed by Mars- the lord of 9th and co-lord of 4th. Mars is
in 10th H in Nodal axis and in enemy’s Sign Gemini(uncomfortable). One of the
significations of Mars is Armed forces so this placement hints that they
would show exemplary courage for their motherland. The opposition parties may
try to dominate over the Government and hog limelight. Further religious
matters/ some court verdicts may gain wide-spread attention and this may invoke
violent protests.
3. Mercury- the lord of 2, 11 is in the Sign of debilitation in 7th H.
It is with Neptune and Venus so the economy of the nation though weak in the
beginning, it should gradually improve over a period of time during the year.
4. 5th lord Jupiter is in 7th H on critical degrees so 5th H matters may
get international recognition/ there could be expansion of those matters. It
could be that a film or sports personality gains international recognition or
there is some sports/ entertainment industry development. It could be even in
the field of education. It is possible that these matters would be highlighted
throughout the year.
5. 7th lord Uranus in its sign of fall is the most elevated planet
(close to M.C.) so International affairs remain focused throughout the year.
Some old treaties or alliance partners and also a war like situation would
torment the Government.
6. 4th lord Pluto is in 6th and on critical degrees. This warns of
conflict like situation perhaps regarding land, Monuments of the nation…
This Pluto is Sextile to Venus (lord of 3,10) but also Sesqui-quadrate to
Mars, Rahu so Government will have to undertake lots of efforts to resolve
issues of internal and external security.
7. Moon in nodal axis so common people could be misled, at least an
attempt to do so would be made. Also Moon in 11th with Rahu warns of
unrealistic expectations about gains from common people. There could be strikes
or chaos like situation. At the same time, Moon- Rahu combination in Gemini
around 11th cusp is suggestive of gains for the country through foreign
investments and also perhaps through sale/ distribution of its indigenous
vaccines against Co-vid. Last but not the least, this position stands to give a
boost to “Make in India” campaign ( Large organisations/ Health care companies
may stand to be benefitted through such schemes of the Government like tax sops
for promoting entrepreneurship).
8. 6th lord Saturn and 7th lord Uranus are involved in a Square aspect
thus again pointing to war like situation, mostly strifes, small combats. This
Saturn makes a Trine aspect with Mars pointing to rapid deterioration and then
improvement (over a period of time) as regards to law matters, religious
matters and weather conditions of the country. Matters like food reserves of
the country (grains..), unemployment, trade unions may lead to strife.
9. Part of Fortune is at Scorpio 2° thus in the 3rdH. It makes a
Quincunx aspect with Sun and an Opposition aspect to Uranus- the 7th lord. Thus
it portends trouble or tough luck as regards to international border issues and
lots of talks/ negotiations…
10. 8th lord Neptune is in 8th in own sign. The 8th H is strong because
of the presence of 3 planets (Asc lord & Ingress Sun, Venus and Neptune).
These 2 female planets in 8th with Sun do warn of danger to female leader/
eminent personality perhaps from entertainment industry.
8th H signifies other people’s money also so there is a possibility of
embezzlement/ fraudulent schemes( things that have remained hidden for long may
fall out of the closet ). A temporary setback to the Vaccination drive
or issues in the vaccine can also be foreseen. Famine in certain parts
of the country cannot be ruled out (the 4th lord Pluto is afflicted).
11. Mars- the dispositor of Sun is on a very prominent fixed
This fixed star is of the nature of Mars and is fortunate if well
aspected and endows popularity, courage but it does portend war and violence
also. Here it can be interpreted as ability to inflame the minds of the people
with furious quarrels and can be taken as “enemy of peace”.
12. Mercury- significator of News media, schools and colleges is in its
sign of debilitation so there could be confusion about matters like exams, food
supplies and even perhaps about civil services.
13. Venus is in its exaltation Sign but in 8th so there could be mergers
or sale to larger corporations in order to raise finance/ to save stock
holder’s money and calls for caution as regards to economy as well as public
health. This Venus (lord of 3,10) being combust suggests that Government may
find it difficult to take right decisions in the beginning of the year and also
warns of troubled diplomatic relations. However later the Government machinery
can get into action mode ( 3rd lord in 6th from itself and the courage shown
will bear fruitful results (3rd so stringent tackling with neighbouring
nations, tough talks..).Perhaps the Atma Nirbhar schemes may bear success.
With respect to independence chart of India, the 4 th H of lands,
weather conditions, agricultural produce or even signifying natural calamities
is rising.
When this ingress chart is read along with the independence chart of India two
major super aspects evolve.
1. A t- square aspect in fixed signs between ingress Jupiter, natal Sun and
natal Jupiter in Scorpio sign in the 6 th H is formed. This hints that
government would be on a sticky wicket as regards to finance and banking sector
as well as international relations. Public health would remain the point of
focus for the Indian government as India stands to experience a second or even
third wave of pandemic with severe genetic mutations though in diminishing
form. There would be strong determination on the part of the government to maintain
status quo as regards to foreign policies as well as legislations passed.The
focal planet Jupiter trines the Ingress Neptune which could see some financial
scandals even of the opposition falling out of the closet.
2. An airy grand trine gets activated between ingress Mars, ingress Saturn and
natal Neptune. This further highlights an inner drive, an initiative driven
approach of the government to accomplish long term goals by showing empathy
with other nations, aiding them in ability to heal their countrymen by shipping
our indigenous vaccines to them. It could also be by supporting some nations(
SAARC countries) in their fight against terrorism..
Thus the year 2021 appears to be a difficult one not just for the government
but also to the nation as a whole. There is a possibility that we as a nation
could be caught off guard( terrorist attacks, border infringement) and we could
face sudden natural calamities. Seismic disturbances in and around the month of
June in Indian subcontinent remains a distinct possibility.
At the same time the Ingress chart highlights strong resolute governance in
dealing with matters of public health, different legislations, foreign affairs
and an equally strong stance against anti national activities. Some vaccination
issues, scandals- it could be fraud schemes, scams in financial sector may
dominate headlines for a while. Last but not the least there could be sudden
success as regards to discovery of oil/ natural gas reserves within the country
or such unexpected gains as a nation.
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