Effects of 6 Planets & 7 Planets Conjunction on India

Independent India’s chart is with Taurus rising and has a Stellium of 6 planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Pluto) in the sign Cancer in the third bhav. Rahu and Ketu tenant the 1-7 axis in the signs Taurus and Scorpio respectively. Also India is undergoing Moon- Saturn period currently and w.r.t to Moon it is the period of 7 th , 8 th lord (Antara of Saturn). Currently Transit Nodes are in the same sign as that of natal positions. Soon i.e. by end of January they transit the same Nakshatras as natal though degreecally they would be far off. On 14 th January Sun ingresses into Capricorn sign and 5 more planets give it company. Thus there is a Stellium of 6 planets in Capricorn Sign –Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. (In India's Ashtakvarga, this sign has just 20 points, so major transits to this sign particularly of Saturn have proved to be troublesome.) Thus this Stellium opposes the natal satellitum and takes place in the 7...