Effects of 6 Planets & 7 Planets Conjunction on India

Independent India’s chart is with Taurus rising and has a Stellium of 6 planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Pluto) in the sign Cancer in the third bhav. Rahu and Ketu tenant the 1-7 axis in the signs Taurus and Scorpio respectively. Also India is undergoing Moon- Saturn period currently and w.r.t to Moon it is the period of 7th, 8th lord (Antara of Saturn).

Currently Transit Nodes are in the same sign as that of natal positions. Soon i.e. by end of January they transit the same Nakshatras as natal though degreecally they would be far off.

On 14th January Sun ingresses into Capricorn sign and 5 more planets give it company. Thus there is a Stellium of 6 planets in Capricorn Sign –Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. (In India's Ashtakvarga, this sign has just 20 points, so major transits to this sign particularly of Saturn have proved to be troublesome.) Thus this Stellium opposes the natal satellitum and takes place in the 7th from natal Moon. Saturn aspects Jupiter tenanting Libra sign. Further Transit Mars and Transit Uranus are conjunct in Aries- 10th from natal Moon. Thus this Mars aspects the natal Stellium as well as natal Jupiter (in 4th from the Stellium)- the 6th and 9th lord. Jupiter is in 6th house w.r.t Ascendant and is  the 8th, 11th lord also.

The next New Moon of 11th February which takes place in Capricorn has 5 other planets as company. Thus there is a Stellium of 7 planets in the Capricorn Sign. By this time the North Node would have changed the nakshatra i.e. Rahu in Rohini(always a troublesome period for our country) but Mars still tenants the 10th sign from Natal Moon in Aries.

Thus major afflictions can be seen to 10th House, 4th house from Moon and 6th from Ascendant warning of conflicts, riots like situation and major trouble to the Government, Rulers. A terrorist attack cannot be ruled out in the coming 2-3 months. Since the 3-9 axis w.r.t Ascendant remains sensitised the relations with trouble maker neighbouring countries of Pakistan and China would continue to torment us.

In April, Transit Jupiter moves into Aquarius- 8th from natal Moon and from there aspects the natal Mars and Uranus as well as Natal Jupiter. Later it retrogrades and again enters Capricorn around Mid-September. Thus the Mars, Uranus- Jupiter aspectual relationship continues. 

So in general, this warns of 2nd wave of the pandemic (from February-June), financial instability as a nation, erratic weather conditions and also major trouble/ untoward incidents/attacks on people in high posts in the year 2021.


The upcoming Solar Eclipse of 14th December in Jyeshtha nakshatra sets the tone for the upcoming events. This eclipse is at ending degrees of Jyeshtha termed as Gandant between Watery and Fiery signs. Jyeshtha does symbolize seniors so even this points to onset of troublesome period for people of authority. This may set in power struggles/ change of guard at state levels.

Lat but not the least, the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn exact degreecal conjunction on 21st December adds its own colour to the scenario. Seismic disturbances(concentration of planets in Earthy signs) cannot be ruled out however this requires further detailed study.

In short, the coming months seem very crucial for our nation and particularly for the Government and people of Authority be in State or at Centre.







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