Concise Analysis of Aries Ingress 2021

In any Ingress chart, Position of Sun is very important. Here it becomes all the more important because it is the Ascendant lord too. A fixed sign rising ensures that the Aries Ingress chart remains valid for this entire year. 1. Sun in 8th H –untoward sudden incidents/ calamities/ natural disaster and major transformations as a country. 2. Sun is disposed by Mars- the lord of 9th and co-lord of 4th. Mars is in 10th H in Nodal axis and in enemy’s Sign Gemini(uncomfortable). One of the significations of Mars is Armed forces so this placement hints that they would show exemplary courage for their motherland. The opposition parties may try to dominate over the Government and hog limelight. Further religious matters/ some court verdicts may gain wide-spread attention and this may invoke violent protests. 3. Mercury- the lord of 2, 11 is in the Sign of debilitation in 7th H. It is with Neptune and Venus so the economy of the nation though weak in the beginning, it should graduall...