Kamala Harris - Next US VP??
Kamala Harris
I recently read that
Kamala Harris was elected as a running mate i.e. as a vice presidential
candidate for the upcoming US elections. A lady that too of Indian origin
running for the coveted post aroused my interest and so decided to analyse it
through the progressed charts, return charts(interestingly she experienced her
nodal return very recently) and also through the Kaal Chakra Dasha
system (separate article at a later date).
She has Gemini rising
with North node and part of Fortuna conjuct the rising point. Hers is a full
moon birth with natal Sun and Saturn involved in a trine aspect hinting at
major responsibilities in the lifetime. Interestingly Saturn-the 8th lord
of major transformations is the most elevated planet.
The progressed chart
has 11 Leo rising, its lord Sun tenanting the 5th H and is
disposed by Jupiter which is in the 10th H. Further this Sun is
involved in a sesquare aspect with the Moon (natal 8th lord)
–the most elevated planet which gives company to this Jupiter. This talks of
her journey on an unknown territory that involves the common masses. Saturn has
reached Anaretic degrees hinting at life changing moments particularly as
regards to career and social standing and Mercury-the natal Ascendant lord
though retrograde is on starting degrees of a cardinal sign and makes a Sextile
aspect with this Saturn thus signalling new beginnings. Further she is
undergoing the progressed gibbous moon phase thus opening new vistas. Having
faced the challenge during the first quarter and discovered her hidden
strength, she seem to have set her sights higher than before. Many new
possibilities present themselves which has actually manifested in her case.
The progressed Sun
(progressed Ascendant lord) is right on 7th cusp(public life)
and has separated from the South Node. It is involved in a quincunx aspect with
the natal 7th lord Jupiter suggesting various modifications to
her lifestyle in the current scenario. Interestingly a kite aspect has got
activated between Progressed Jupiter, natal Venus, transit Jupiter and Neptune.
This shows a transition from a scripted life to a life controlled by fate. The
planets involved –Venus, Jupiter and Neptune harmoniously blend with each
other’s energies. Venus- what one values, Jupiter-how one manages to grow and expand
what we value and Neptune- metamorphosis and a creative change.
The solar return
chart has 6th H rising and its lord Jupiter is tucked away
safely in the 2nd H of self-esteem. It is disposed by Saturn
which is strong being in own sign. Sun is very strong being on 11th cusp
and it is disposed by the most elevated although debilitated Venus. A cardinal
cross in angular houses is activated between the nodes, Moon, Venus and
Neptune. Thus this is a very dynamic year promising major changes in personal
and public life.
A critical and
detailed analysis of her chart hints at major changes in her public life and
points more towards success in bagging the coveted post of the Vice President
of United States. Though this certainly doesn’t seem to be a cake walk.
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