The Kisan Andolan or Vandalism?

This is a very simplistic Tropical analysis of the Natal Chart of India (Chart of Independent India), the Progressed chart and Transits of the day (26th January) and it aims at analysing the unfortunate events that took place in the National capital on our 72nd Republic day. Every student of Astrology knows that this is a very testing time for our country & hence this write up intends to scrutinize the planetary combinations and their aspectual relations that played a role in today's mayhem in Delhi.

Independent India’s chart has Gemini (0°50’) rising as the Ascendant.

1.   Progressed Mercury (Scorpio 21) forms a Square aspect with Natal Sun (Leo 21).

Sun signifies Persons of Authority, Rulers and Mercury signifies Meetings, Rallies respectively.

Mercury is the Ascendant lord whereas Sun assumes lordship of the 4th House. Thus this imparts lots of stress, obstacles in Governance and as a result the state of home affairs suffers. Mercury being Ascendant lord imparts trouble to common people as well.


2.   Progressed Moon( Aries 0°) is involved in a Square aspect with Natal Mars( Cancer 0°34’)

Natal Moon is 3rd Lord (borders, modes of Transport) and it is the progressed 12th Lord signifying Secret criminal activities. Natal Mars is the intercepted 6th and 12th Lord thus pointing to disputes, damage to matters of public nature and work pressure on police department to say the least. The Police force had to bear the brunt of the protestors.


3.   Progressed Mars(Leo 14°) is conjunct Natal Venus(Leo 15°),Natal Pluto, Natal Saturn(Leo 13°). Mars is the co-lord of 4th house of the progressed chart, Natal Venus is intercepted 12th and 6th lord, Saturn is the 9th and 10th lord of the Natal chart and signifies farmers, land owners and Pluto is the Natal 6th lord signifying riots, crimes. This Stellium opposes the Natal M.C. hinting at a stuck up like situation or deadlock for the Indian Government.

Thus Progressed Mars over this Trio warn of violent activities and disturbance to the social fabric of the country.


4.   Progressed Jupiter (Sagittarius 0°) is Quincunx to Natal Mars (Cancer 0°). Jupiter is the 8th lord of Progressed chart and this aspect hints at reckless behaviour and warns of untoward incidents harming the Peace and Prosperity of the country.


5.   Progressed Saturn (Leo21°) is degreecally conjunct Natal Sun. Saturn is the 6th and 7th lord of the Progressed chart and Sun is the Natal 4th lord signifying among other matters National Monuments (capture of flag post at Red fort). An aim to malign the nation’s image as well as of the rulers of the country and testing the restraining influence of law can be seen because of this aspect.



6.   The Progressed Ascendant (Leo 7°) is conjunct Natal Mercury( Leo 6°) and is involved in a T Square aspect with  Transit Uranus( Taurus 6°), Transit Mars( Taurus 9°) and an Opposition aspect with Transit Jupiter (Aquarius 8°), Transit Saturn (Aquarius 4°), Transit Sun(Aquarius 6°)

The fixed signs talk of an unresolved issue (the agitation has been going on for more than 60 days). This aspect warned of Anarchical conditions, rioting, and violent protests.



7.   Progressed Jupiter being conjunct the Descendant opposes the Natal Ascendant. This Jupiter makes a Quincunx aspect with the Progressed M.C. which is Sextile to Natal Mars. Thus peace of the country stands hampered and suggests that the issue can be resolved through strict handling at multiple levels (Jupiter in Dual Sign).


8.   Progressed Fortuna at Capricorn 6° so it forms a Quincunx aspect with Natal Mercury as well as Progressed Ascendant thus signalling a period of tough luck or bad phase for the Nation as a whole.


9.   The Progressed Nodes (Taurus/Scorpio 24°) form a T-Square aspect with Transit Mercury (Aquarius 24°) and Semi-Square/ Sesqui-quadrate aspect with Transit Moon (Cancer 7°) highlighting the fated aspect of today’s incidents.


10.        Progressed Moon (3S8) and Progressed Neptune (3S25) are involved in Parallel Declination hinting at treachery, scheming against National interests.


11.        Progressed Sun’s (Scorpio 2°57’)  involvement in a Se-square aspect with Transit Neptune (Pisces 19°) suggests frustration/helplessness on the part of the Government in controlling the activities of the enemies of the Nation (Internal as well External). Natal Sun’s (Leo 21°) Quincunx aspect with Transit Venus (Capricorn 22°) further highlights Government’s soft approach towards the agitators (till today) to ensure that the social fabric of the country remains undisturbed.


Thus a mere analysis of the Natal and Progressed chart along with Transits depicts the highly volatile situation that was developing in the past few weeks and was waiting to explode. Involvement of Saturn, Mars, Neptune suggests that this was not only pre-planned but also had the support of anti-national elements to create serious disturbance, riots like situation to sabotage the peace and progress of the country. Sun, M.C., the Ascendant lord- Mercury as well as Moon are involved in extreme hard aspects warning of tough times for the Government, Commoners and to the nation as a whole for some time to come.



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