New Moon Charts 2020

This is a detailed aspectual analysis of the Ingress Charts(Cancer and Libra) and particularly the New Moon Charts of the months till December 2020. An attempt to interpret the planetary combinations in most simplistic manner has been done.

The Cancer Ingress of 21.06.2020 fell merely 9 hours before the Solar Eclipse which was visible almost throughout India.

The ingress chart has Taurus 26° rising- on Caput Algol, a violent fixed star. The Ascendant Lord Venus is the first planet to rise, is retrograde and is disposed by Mercury which is on 3rd cusp. This Venus is also the 6th lord and its aspectual relation with Saturn suggests continuance of the co-vid problem for some time to come but surely not with the same intensity.

The Ingress Sun is in 2nd House in Rahu/Ketu axis. It forms an exact quincunx aspect with the 9th lord Saturn. Further the 3rd lord Moon is also involved in an exact quincunx aspect with Jupiter- the 8th lord. Thus the 3-9 axis of international borders, troubled relations with neighbouring nations and also the 2nd H matters (placement of Sun) like National esteem become the point of focus.

The lord of on critical degrees and tenants the 12thH. It makes a hard aspect with the 12th lord Mars which is conjunct the natural 12th lord Neptune. This is suggestive of the focus of entire Government machinery on matters of secret intrusion, onus on armed forces, recurrent troubles due to internal and external enemies. Instances of “honey trap” may fall out of the closet. Measures for Economic re-surrection may be on anvil. Another interesting feature of the chart happens to be that the 3rd lord Moon, 8th lord Jupiter and 12th lord Mars are all on same degrees thus warning of terrorist attacks, border issues, attempts of infiltration, communal strife..

The Libra Ingress slated for 22nd September 2020 has Aries 16° 44’ rising. Sun is in the 6th H and is disposed by Venus which is in 12th from it. With Cardinal signs on the quadrants, as many as 6 planets in angles this suggests a very action oriented period for the nation.

The Asc lord Mars is retrograde, on critical degrees and tenants the Asc itself. This Mars is involved in a very hard aspect with Pluto-the 8th lord, Saturn -10th lord(both in 10th H) and Mercury the 6th lord placed in the 7th H. Thus the land of our nation, the common masses bear the brunt.

Further retro Uranus too tenants the Asc and is quincunx to Moon -4th lord in 8th hinting that we the citizens may have to bear unusual, sudden, explosive situations. The 2nd and 7th lord Venus forms a yod aspect with the 7th cusp and Neptune- 12th lord. This hints towards deceit or rather confusion as regards to International support. Foreign relations may require a re-think. Major changes perhaps unsettling ones may take place in the entertainment world. The Government may think of major disinvestment with Venus the significator of finance and 2nd lord in hard aspectual relation with another significator of finance Jupiter and 8th lord Pluto.

Thus both the Ingress charts depict a critical time overall for the nation as regards to International affairs, terrorist activities, escalation of border issues and possible communal flare up and worrisome economic scenario.

The Lunation Charts further provide a sneak preview of possible events.

This year soon after the Aries Ingress, we witnessed a New Moon, hence all the New Moon Charts have become more relevant. Their validity is for one entire month.

The July New Moon Chart

The Ascendant & its Lord Mars are on critical degrees.

There is a dominance of Cardinal Signs with as much as 10 Planets/Points in it. All the 4 angles are Cardinal thus indicating a pro-active mode as a nation as well as warns of a fast developing situation.

The Ascendant Lord Mars is also the co-Lord of the 8th. That is conjunct the rising degree from 12th House. This Mars is further involved in a hard aspect with Mercury (Lord of 3rd, 6th) right on 4th Cusp. Uranus in its sign of fall is the first planet to rise and is known for upheavals, disruption of status quo. As many as 6 Planets tenant the 4-10 Axis. The new Moon too falls in the same axis which constitutes the 4th,5th lords and oppose Saturn the 10th lord(exact). We can expect major announcements, changes, important policy decisions.

Thus the new Moon of July 2020 is far from comforting.

The August New Moon Chart

The New Moon of 19th August 2020 has Virgo 26° rising. The Cardinal dominance as regards to quadrants shifts to duality. It denotes a very unstable situation & perhaps a matter that would change markedly.

The Ascendant Lord is in 12th & New Moon too falls almost on the cusp of 12th House warning of suffering through internal and external enemies.

The striking point of the chart is that the Luminaries, Nodes and Saturn are all on same degrees.

An exact Yod Aspect is activated between the Luminaries, the North Node & Saturn. Saturn which symbolises limitation, timing, repression, Karmic realignment forms the foot of the Yod.

The 4th, 10th, 12th House highlighting our Land, Government & enemy activities add their own nuances to this “Finger of Fate” aspect highlighting Nation at Crossroads theme. The 8th Lord Mars which is in its own sign and on 8th  cusp on one hand  is involved in a soft aspect with the Luminaries though in 8th, 12th House but also in a hard aspect with the trio of Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn in another terminal house. Uranus tenants the 8th House & is Sextile to Venus (unfriendly sign)- its dispositor which happens to be most elevated. Before summing up the August analysis, I feel imperative to highlight a couple of points that are based on Nirayana analysis.

India’s Independence Chart has Taurus rising & the sign Gemini has least points (19) & Capricorn has next least points (20) in Ashtakvarga.

History tells us that whenever signs of Gemini/Capricorn or Leo are afflicted India has faced difficult situations.

As per Vedic Analysis, the Ascendant Lord Venus is in sign Gemini through the month of August(Rahu is in Gemini till 3rd week of September). Saturn continues to be Retrograde in Capricorn & the August New Moon falls in Leo.

As per Rashi Sankat Chakra, planets in signs Taurus- - Aquarius; Gemini- -Aries; Cancer- -Sagittarius & -Scorpio-Pisces sort of mutually afflict each other.

Luminaries, Nodes, Jupiter, Saturn thus further get severely afflicted.

Thus overall this potrays a grim picture. Events challenging internal & external security of the nation seem to be forewarned.

The September New Moon Chart

The September New Moon has Aquarius 17°56’ and New Moon at Virgo 25.

The New Moon is very close to 8th cusp and is disposed by Mercury tenanting the 8th H.

Moon being 6th lord carries the 6th house significations of disease, conflicts to 8th H. Also this new Moon is trine to Saturn (exact, and on critical degrees) in 12th H, further it is involved in an opposition aspect with Neptune in the Asc and in quincunx aspect with Mars. Another striking feature is the exact square aspect between Mercury and Jupiter(on 12th cusp) and the quincunx aspect between it and Neptune. The New Moon in hard aspect with the Nodes afflicts the 2nd H of National security as a whole. The Asc lord Uranus continues to be retro in the 3rd H disposed by 8th lord Venus in 6th.

Thus this period of mid September-mid October continues to be very stressful with issues of  internal security , communal flare up..

The October New Moon Chart

The October New Moon at Libra 23°53’ falls in the 3rd H of the New Moon chart whose rising point is Leo 12°50’

This New Moon continues to be in stressful aspects with Saturn, Pluto(6th H) and Mars(retro in 9th H). The 7th Lord Uranus on critical degrees is on M.C. The New Moon falls in 7th H with respect to Libra Ingress chart over the 6th lord Mercury. Further a set of oppositions between Venus-Nepune in 2-8 axis and mercury-Uranus warn of general dissentment regarding some announcements perhaps regarding foreign policy, disvensement ..

The November New Moon Chart

The November New Moon at Scorpio 23 falls in 10th H but quite close to 11th cusp(with respect to the Libra Ingress it falls in 8th H). It is disposed by Pluto in the Ascendant. The Yod aspect between the New Moon, Pluto-Jupiter and North node tenanting the 6th H warns of conflict, repeated trouble spots because of a particular community.

The December New Moon Chart

The New Moon of December is at Sagittarius 23 and in 5th H. The Ascendant is Leo 20.

This New Moon coincides with an eclipse though not visible in India and takes place just a week before the GREAT MUTATION. The new moon forms a T-square aspect with the North node and Neptune in 8th H. It is disposed by Jupiter which tenants the 6th H of challenges, public health..

This new moon and 9th lord Mars form a grand trine aspect with natal Sun (independent India’s chart). We may see some improvement in situation like delayed international support or utilise it for our advantage as a nation and some matters reaching conclusion cannot be ruled out. However economic matters, strikes, strife, matters of national security may continue to dog us.

To sum up, it is a critical period for our nation. A grim economy coupled with unpredictable weather, possible seismic disturbances(Great Mutation chart Analysis), development of situations that could lead to communal flare up, escalation of border tension and infiltration attempts by neighbouring nations and last but not the least terrorist attacks by sleeper cells can be expected.









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