An Astrological Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

May 24 is observed as World Schizophrenia Day.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness which affects the functioning of one’s brain. It is a psychiatric condition where certain chemicals in certain areas of brain are out of balance. There can be lack of co-ordination between thoughts, actions and emotions.

This day provides an opportunity to understand the importance of mental health, spread awareness about this illness in general.

Schizophrenia starts in early adulthood or late adolescence, typically between the ages of 15-28. Men have an earlier onset than women. This blog aims to de-code astrological combinations for mental illness –particularly psychological health. To elucidate this I will be analysing 3 charts of different age groups through Sayana, Nirayana methodologies with a few additional Nadi pointers too.

Chart X- is of a lady in her 60s whose post-partum depression went unnoticed and it triggered the outburst when she was 23 years old

Chart Y- a lady who is in her early 40s and went into severe depression because of her infatuation

Chart Z- a young Indian origin super intelligent teenager lad who went into severe depression because of a racial blur

All 3 Case Studies were in reality detected as suffering from Schizophrenia.

The blog aims to analyse just the natal promise. Hence the DBA/ Progressions and Transits are not taken into consideration here.

In brain disorders psychological or even physiological – the following points would be common:

1. Afflicted Ascendant, lord of Ascendant and Sun as natural significator of 1st bhav in horoscope. The first bhav signifies head/brain.

2. Afflicted Third house (lower mind), lord of 3rd and Mars as significator of 3rd bhav

3. Afflicted Fourth house (mind), lord of 4th and Moon as natural significator

4. Afflicted Fifth house (deep intellect) as well as the lord of 5th

5. Kemdrum position- when there are no planets on either side of Moon

6. Afflictions to Moon (mind), Mercury (nervous system) and Jupiter (maturity/wisdom). Particularly when all 3 of these planets are afflicted, conditions leading to mental illness are highly possible.

The link of 5th and 8th house/ lords may hint towards hereditary factors and connection of 5th and 10th may point towards congenital defects/poorvapunya issues.

Chart X

The lady had an inter-caste marriage and delivered a baby boy within 13 months of nuptials. Soon after delivery, she began suffering from severe post-partum depression which went unnoticed. X re-joined office within 3 months of delivery. There was tremendous work pressure and she used to be really scared of her boss at office and her mother in law at home. She longed to be with her baby and often broke down. Finally one day she couldn’t bear it any longer and had a major schizophrenic attack during lunch.

Sayana Pointers

a. Common signs- most productive of sickness are on all 4 angles with Watery Sign on Ascendant.

b. Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Fortuna (Gemini 16°) are all on critical degrees. The 9th lord Pluto signifying higher mind is on Anaretic degrees.

c. Ascendant lord Neptune is retro and in 8th H and in Scorpio.

d. Neptune(super sensitivity), Venus (hormones), Mars (physique, energy) and Uranus (suddenness) the 12th lord in 6th are involved in a fixed grand square in Succedent and common houses thus affecting or playing more on the mental level and in the background and not on the forefront.

e. Sun –the 6th lord in 12th is opposed by Pluto –the 9th lord warning of self-destructive behaviour.

f. Sun is in Airy Aquarius, Moon in communicative mental Gemini and Jupiter the co-lord of the Ascendant in socially interactive Libra. Thus Airy signs dominate highlighting intelligence but nervousness as well.

g. Moon is involved in a an airy grand trine but at the same time this Moon forms two very difficult aspects – an opposition with Saturn in 4-10 axis and other a quincunx with Ascendant lord Neptune tenanting 8th H highlighting emotional inhibition, depression..

h. The 9th lord Pluto not just signifies metamorphosis but is also compared to PHOENIX bird. It is in T-square with Nodes thus highlights fate factor and imparts ability to rise in life even from ashes.

As per Max Heindel, Moon plays a fundamental role in a lady’s health, Venus signifies the hormones besides reproductive fluids. The natal afflictions to these planets and all the discussed pointers being present in the chart were like an atom bomb waiting to explode. The lady underwent long term treatment, was in an asylum and is now successfully leading a normal life.

Nirayana pointers

a. Ascendant is in paap kartari between aspect of Rahu, Sun and Mercury –the 8th lord.

b. Ascendant lord Saturn is in nodal axis and in star of 8th lord Mercury. This Saturn is also the 12th lord and dispositor of separative Sun, Venus, Mercury and Gulika. Further it is aspected by Mars- the dispositor of Rahu.

c. 3rd lord Mars in own sign but is afflicted as its other sign Scorpio is tenanted by Rahu and the 12th lord Saturn.

d. 4th H is in rahu/ketu axis and 4th lord Venus tenants 12th bhav and is in Moon star- the 6th lord.

e. Moon is in nodal axis and is in fiery navamsha thus weak. It is the 6th lord and carries these significations to the 4th H. Moon and Saturn are involved in mutual aspect.

Moon in Rohini nakshatra does warn of irregular menses. This is mentioned here as it corroborates the earlier findings.

f. 5th lord Mercury which is the 8th lord is in 12th

Both the 4th, 5th lords are aspected by Ketu.

g. Retro Jupiter is in 8th bhav in inimical sign in star of Sun which is in 12th H and is aspected by Rahu.

Thus 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th H, their lords and concerned significators are all severely afflicted and clearly point to mental illness during lifetime.

Nadi Pointers

a. The 3 planets that rule over pleasure, happiness in life: Mercury, Venus, Moon are all under the influence of Saturn. (She lost her husband pretty early in life, she has undergone major surgeries..).

b. Venus- the prime significator for women in Nadi is in nakshatra of Moon, is trine to it and on same degrees as that of Moon and further meets Sun ahead in the same sign of Capricorn- thus signalling a difficult life.

c. Bhagyakarak Jupiter is in Kemdrum and in asta rashi, Moon- the mind has crossed Ketu and is in applying aspect of this Jupiter (retro) thus imparting a weak or fickle mind.

d. Moon, Mars govern the menstrual cycle. Ketu is in between them. This too warns of abnormalities after the commencement of menses.

e. Mercury, Venus in Capricorn have the 8th lord Sun with them thus indicating that atmabal was weak.

Chart Y

This chart is of a very intelligent lady. She had a love marriage at age 20 and was working in a nationalised bank. She went on to complete L.L.B and then L.L.M with rank from university of Mumbai. She quit the job at age 27 to focus on her law career. She had a successful practice in High court and worked under a very imminent lawyer. Things turned sour when she got infatuated with a guy who spurned her. It was impossible for her to bear this rejection and went into severe depression from 2017. Today she is battling hallucinations.

Sayana pointers

a. Neptune-the planet of super sensitivity and here 12th lord, Pluto, Nodes and Mercury (6th lord) –the planet of intellect are all on critical degrees.

b. Mercury is square to Uranus highlighting eccentric thought patterns, intellectual superiority, a rebel of mind and at the same time Mercury trines Neptune which made her a dreamer, go-getter but also allowed her to live inside her fantasies.

c. Sun quincunx to Neptune gave a blurred self-concept. As there is a tendency to not know the self, there are often difficulties having proper boundaries with others, which leads to enmeshment in relationships. It may also represent a parent who wasn’t there.

d. Aries- Libra intercepted in 6-12 axis so issues with health, self-undoing can be anticipated. With Pisces on the 12th cusp, there must have been lot of day dreaming and difficulty in being assertive which built up huge emotional pressure regarding these matters and further Libra intercepted in 6th H may have led to difficulty in striking and sustaining a balance.

e. There is T- square aspect in common signs between Mars-signifying passions, Fortuna and Neptune signifying tremendous mental vacillation going unnoticed to the world.

f. Uranus in 7th H is on fixed star Alphecca- highlighting psychic intelligent nature, honour but also secret love affairs.

Nirayana pointers

a. There is Stellium in 5th bhav of the chart in Leo sign underlining theatrical dramatics, romance...

b. Ascendant is in paap kartari, its lord Mars is afflicted by the badhakesh and rogkarak Saturn.

c. The 3rd H is tenanted by 12th lord Jupiter and separative Sun.

Mercury the 3rd lord is also the 6th lord of sickness and tenants the 4th House in enemy sign and falls in Nidhanamsha as per RTN. Further Mercury is in badhakesh nakshatra.

d. Moon –the 4th lord is in fiery Leo in D1 and further in fiery Aries in D9 and is also in degreecal conjunction with Saturn and is thus extremely weak.

e. Jupiter the 9th lord is completely combust, is dispositor of Ketu, Gulika and is in MKS.

f. Sun-the significator of 1st bhav is in Jupiter star which is the dispositor of Ketu.

Thus here too affliction to 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th H, their lords and the significators is evident.

Further there is a connection between 8th and 5th H as Mars the 8th lord tenants the 5th H. This does point to hereditary or genetic issues. In reality her father too had mental illness, he left home one day without informing anyone and never returned. The 2nd lord of family, Venus is in in degreecal conjunction with Saturn and this bhav is aspected by not just Saturn but also Rahu highlighting disturbed family life. Venus a soft watery planet is in fiery signs in D1, D9 thus further corrupting it.

As per Nadi, when all the planets are placed in between Gemini to Virgo, all events happen in life fast- whether good or bad. The initial introduction is a testimony to this rule. Ketu-Mercury-Moon-Venus highlight love affairs but ultimately cheating/unhappiness. Venus the jeevkarak in Leo has its friends (Mercury, Saturn, and Rahu) as well as foes (Moon, Mars) for company. This imparted pride, adamant nature but also intelligence, boldness, prosperity and later deep fissures in happiness.

Chart Z

This chart is of a first generation American teenager. He possesses an intellect of superior level but also has a massive ego. His nature left him with little-to-no friends, and he eventually fell prey to the bullying by his school classmates. His suicidal thoughts landed him in a centre for a brief period.

Sayana pointers

a. Common signs on angles with Virgo- a sign with negative disposition who lets circumstances rule over him is on the Ascendant.

b. 6th lord (in 6th) as well as 8th lord (in 4th H) on critical degrees highlighting severity of the disease.

c. Stellium in 4th H highlights emotional needs, anxieties and also connection with roots/heritage.

d. The softer aspects of Moon with Ascendant, Mercury and Venus make him very sensitive with a receptive mind, retentive memory and impart great originality, independence of mind with vivid imagination.

However hard aspect with Fortuna, Neptune and Pluto can lead to building dissatisfaction and resentment as native does not always come across as he intends to and can offend others with an “attitude”, emotional confusion, tendency to escape emotions and co-dependency as well as prone to negative powerful emotions respectively.

e. Mars on the point opposite of the midpoint of Moon and Saturn imparted inhibitions, soul conflicts.

f. Grand Square between Sun, Saturn and Nodes in cardinal signs induced a tremendous internal sense of friction, strain and pressure and is suggestive of karmic lessons.

g. Jupiter’s hard aspects with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto heightened inner conflict between idealism, hope. It warns of struggles with fear, anxieties and may have paved way to being a self-indulgent rebellion.

h. The hard aspect between Ascendant and Sun gave rise to a conflict between self-identity and the way he expressed himself.

i. The Ascendant lord and 8th lord Mars are in the Stellium and involved in a parallel aspect, further 3rd lord (sub-conscious mind) Pluto and Mars too are conjunct in the same 4th H which may have given him suicidal thoughts.

Nirayana pointers

a. The Ascendant is aspected by 6th lord Saturn as well as Rahu. Ascendant lord Sun tenants 6th H in enemy sign thus indicating slightly weak immunity. Lord of lagna Sun and lord of 6th Saturn are enemies and this does point to hostility with friends. Further this Sun is in Kendra to nodes and weak in D9 too.

b. Ketu is in 3rd H, 3rd lord Venus is aspected by rogkarak Saturn.

c. 4th H is tenanted by Mars in own sign however Mars is the dispositor of Rahu. Also Mars and Saturn share an aspectual relation.

d. 5th H is aspected by Saturn, Rahu. 5th lord Jupiter is in Kendra yoga with Saturn and the parivartan yoga between Jupiter and mercury further enhances Saturn- Jupiter link.

e. Moon is in nodal axis, dispositor of Gulika and in fiery signs in D1, D9 thus rendered weak.

f. The Natural 3rd lord Mercury too is aspected by Saturn.

The 10th lord tenants 5th H and thus brings about a 5-10 connection indicating congenital defects or as per some poorvapunya issues. This lad’s mom had a very difficult pregnancy and had to opt for enteral nutrition almost throughout her pregnancy.

As per Nadi, psychological issues arise when Sun, Mon and even Mercury are afflicted by Nodes. This is true here (Moon in nodal axis, Sun in Kendra to nodes and Mercury in trine to Rahu). The combination of Mars, Mercury, Rahu and the mutual exchange of Mercury and Jupiter (jeevkarak) are suggestive of some upheaval in the life of the native. Retro Saturn which has Moon, Rahu in 11th can impart fear psychosis and further its connection with Mars does warn of suicidal tendencies.

Thus a mere detailed analysis of the natal chart can show susceptibility to mental health disorders (which is generally ignored). A combination of one or more methodologies brings about a microscopic analysis and gives as if a 360° view. All the 3 natives were leading normal lives till the natal promise of the mental illness got triggered because of certain circumstances. According to me, a detailed study of the birth horoscope should be done just like aptitude tests are done for children. This can warn of certain pitfalls in the birth chart whose intensity can be reduced by taking precautionary measures if not completely averted.


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